Without a doubt the most enjoyable show I've been to this year. Trampled by Turtles are a bluegrass/folk band made up of musicians who are so technically spectacular with their instruments they seem to challenge themselves to play faster and faster and faster until your feet tire from dancing and your legs ache from jumping. The experience is a precise frenzy of banjo, ukulele, fiddle, two guitars and vocals that are all so quick yet so coordinated you can't help but move your feet. They do slow it down a bit on occassion, but the full sound always has that upbeat, exuberant spirit. I had only heard their music live until I bought the CD last night to share with you wonderful people. Of course the energy of seeing their fingers fly around the strings can't make it to the CD, but the tracks are just as vibrant with many gems including two of my favorites White Noise and Truck. This music is feel good music; so throw it on and dance your way down the street.
Enjoy "Duluth" by Trampled by Turtles