Reason number 1: Its slower and has a much more relaxed “summer sweaty” vibe.
Reason number 2: The synth riff which is by far the best part of this song is much more drawn out and played with attitude and conviction.
Reason number 3: The piano doesn’t have that annoying out of sync vibrato.
Reason number 4: This song is meant to be played live and the studio version just doesn’t do it justice.
I know the summer is pretty much over, and if I could have posted this back in June I would have. However the weathers still nice, and this song still deserves some play time. Enjoy.
Totally judging you right now.
Suummmmer maddness!!!
Dope...DJ Premier sampled this for Gangstarr, but I'd never heard the original before. Think I like this better actually
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